
ABSTRACT Petrography of mélange matrix and clastic sedimentary rocks in coastal California reveals the occurrence of detrital serpentine and detrital asbestiform sodic amphibole (glaucophane). Many sandstones of the Franciscan Complex have small amounts of detrital serpentine, with amounts of up to several percent in some cases. Detrital amphibole, including asbestiform glaucophane, is also present in some sandstones. Whereas rare sandstones have so much detrital glaucophane that they appear blue in hand specimen (up to nearly half of the rock volume), most glaucophane-bearing sandstones lack blue color, and the detrital glaucophane is not apparent in hand specimen. Most of the occurrences of detrital glaucophane are in blueschist facies sandstones, some of which also contain neoblastic (grew in place) glaucophane, but a notable exception is a widespread prehnite-pumpellyite facies unit that crops out primarily in Sonoma and Marin Counties. The detrital mineralogy of sandstones mirrors the block and matrix compositions of Franciscan mélanges that can be thought of as scaled-up equivalents of these clastic sedimentary rocks (mega-conglomerates/sedimentary breccias). Franciscan mélanges range from having a detrital siliciclastic to a detrital serpentinite matrix, and interfingering and gradation of the two matrix types is common. These findings suggest that clastic sedimentary rocks associated with current or past active orogenic settings else-where in the world may contain naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) even if the NOA component minerals are not visible in hand specimen.

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