
Classroom accommodations are key to promoting inclusive learning in a class that includes a diversity of learners. This study purposed to determine the classroom accommodations that enable the inclusion of learners with hearing impairments in inclusive classrooms. The study was conducted at Oriang’ Inclusive Primary School in Homa-bay County, Kenya and was guided by Ecological Systems Theory by Bronfenbrenner model (1989). The study targeted all the 17 teachers and 620 learners. Purposive sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 26 respondents comprising the Head Teacher, 13 inclusive classroom teachers and 12 learners. Data collection instruments comprised an observation checklist and an interview schedule. NVivo software was used for analysis that involved systematic coding and organisation of data to identify recurring themes. The findings established that all classes at the school were inclusive of learners with hearing impairments. Classroom accommodations included proper lighting, preferential seating, raised windows above the heads and painted doors to ensure conducive learning environment for learners with hearing impairments. The researcher recommends that the government, through the Ministry of Education, should allocate funds for purchasing cushioned seats, long curtains for the windows, chairs with legs fitted with rubber as mechanisms for noise reduction within the inclusive classrooms to promote the inclusion of learners with hearing impairments.

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