
Abstract This paper introduces noun categorization devices in nDrapa. It argues that nDrapa usually requires both numeral classifiers and verbal action classifiers to express classificatory techniques. Morphologically, classifiers are fused with numerals; without the involvement of classifiers, numerals cannot be directly associated with nouns. Classifiers can derive from the pragmatic function, in which a considerable number of classifier-derived quantifiers and adverbs reveal the adverbial function with respect to the softening voice and politeness. Historically, the majority of classifiers can trace their etyma back to nouns. This paper’s five sections explore the grammatical properties of classifiers in nDrapa. In Section 2 and Section 3, I provide background information on numerals and numeral classifiers, and describe the characteristics of verbal action classifiers in nDrapa. Section 4 explores expressions relevant to classifier-related grammatical categories. In Section 5, I summarize the pragmatic and functional properties of classifiers in nDrapa. In Section 6, I introduce the origin and development of classifiers in this language. To conclude this paper, I propose that the limited number of classifiers in nDrapa may exhibit an infant development of classificatory devices in this language.

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