
The fall of a meteorite in Astomulyo Village, Punggur, Lampung Province in early 2021 is an interesting topic for further study. This rare object has been suggested to have a unique geochemical composition and a special connection with other meteorites. We aimed to trace its classification by comparing it with other well-known meteorites studied previously. We approach the classification process using the k-nearest neighbor algorithm. The database used 211 represents the geochemical data for each known meteorite group from chemical analyses of meteorites. As a result, we identified that with a k-value = 5 and the proportion of test data 5/95 (in %), the geochemical composition of this meteorite is relatively close to that of the H-type chondrite group with a value accuracy of 91.67%. These results are consistent with the fact that the meteorite of Punggur has a high total iron and metallic composition.

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