
The classification of living forms should depend on an understanding of the laws of heredity as demonstrated in those forms. Preliminary classifications are made by applying the machinery of arrangement that has been worked out for other groups that are well understood, to groups of whose biological processes we know little. Preliminary classifications are necessary and are as desirable as are catalogues, and should be made to correspond to the known life processes of the organisms as nearly as possible, but they should only be offered tentatively. The study of the biology of the anaerobic bacilli is in its early morning twilight. Today the scientific world holds two widely opposite opinions in regard to the classification of these organisms. The view held in Western Europe and in America is that the anaerobic species are many, distinguishable, and not highly variable; that held by many workers in Central Europe is that the species are practically indistinguishable, are highly variable, and may be changed one into another. It is impossible to bring these two points of view into alignment. They are not to be attributed to diverse interpretation of differences that shade into one another. They are themselves the outcome of an evolutionary process, depending on a mutation in thought, followed by the throwing up of a geographical barrier in I9I4 that isolated the mutant thought and permitted it to overgrow its ancestral types of reasoning in a peculiarly favorable soil. The crux of the matter lies in the purity of the cultures studied by the classifier. It is notorious that the casual worker with anaerobic organisms knows neither how to purify them, nor how to tell when they are pure or impure. The anaerobes are not difficult to isolate when one knows how, but usually workers do not know how. Anaerobes have occasionally been isolated in pure culture since the early days of bacteriology.

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