
This study was conducted at several soil location in Kirkuk Governorate between length lines 44° 16 and 44° 29 north and two width circle 35° 7 and 35° 46 east to determine land deterioration conditions especially soil and vegetation deterioration within this location, In addition it is characterized with variety of geomorpholical patterns and physiographic units, in addition to their use in agriculture. After choosing locations of study, detection of soil pedons their number was 6 was done. Every pedon was divided in to horizons according to some morphological characters, as a first step in determination horizons of the soil. Among these characters, are variation in soil contents of stones, Soil texture, formulation and color and the separated lines between horizons as mentioned? Then it was described morphologically according to standards of American soil survey Index and its changes. Classification was completed to a level of soil series according to classification of soil according to the formula G.T.B.P.C.D. Geomorphologic map and displine photos were used determine the study district and locations of pedons with help of GPS instrument. Semi –detailed survey was done to cover an area advocating the free method. Key soils within the margins of the selected area were detected and they found to be 6 series with determining of their locations on soil survey map. The results of the study revealed that vegetation quality index indices of soil series of studied location were within the class very weak and they included the soil series 451CCW, 431CCW.The class weak included the soil series 432CCW, 453CCW, whereas the series 433CCW and 441CCW were within the class moderate. Results of study indicated that soil quality index of soil series of the studied location was within the class very low for series 441CCW whereas the series 432CCW, 431CCW was within the class low, whereas the series 433CCW, 451CCW were within the class moderate. Sensitivity of the district environment to desertification was described. Results showed that the most sensitive series was 443CCW, which was very sensitive and series 453CCW, 431CCW was sensitive, whereas the series 441CCW, 432CCW were within the class moderate and low sensitive respectively. The lower series sensitivity is the series 451CCW.

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