
In this paper the authors use modern methods and approaches to present a solution to the problem of the topological classification of circle’s rough transformations in canonical formulation. In the modern theory of dynamical systems such problems are understood as the complete topological classification: finding topological invariants, proving the completeness of the set of invariants found and constructing a standard representative from a given set of topological invariants. Namely, in the first theorem of this paper the type of periodic data of circle’s rough transformations is established. In the second theorem necessary and sufficient conditions of their conjugacy are proved. These conditions mean coincidence of periodic data and rotation numbers. In the third theorem the admissible set of parameters is implemented by a rough transformation of a circle. While proving the theorems, we assume that the results on the local topological classification of hyperbolic periodic points, as well as the results on the global representation of the ambient manifold as a union of invariant manifolds of periodic points, are known.


  • In this paper the authors use modern methods and approaches to present a solution to the problem of the topological classication of circle's rough transformations in canonical formulation

  • In the modern theory of dynamical systems such problems are understood as the complete topological classication: nding topological invariants, proving the completeness of the set of invariants found and constructing a standard representative from a given set of topological invariants

  • In the third theorem the admissible set of parameters is implemented by a rough transformation of a circle

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