
Automatic classification of Brain Tumor and brain Lesions has become a very important step in the field of medical image analytics. The machine learning/Deep learning approaches are playing a tremendous role in the field of medical imaging classification, due to the drastic changes in the field of computing power and image analytics techniques. The deep learning, which is the subfield of machine learning, is playing the major role in the automatic classification of Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs) having various brain abnormalities. Convolutional Neural Networks are widely used for the classification and detection of various brain disorders. In this research paper, Convolutional Neural Networks are designed with considering various learning parameters for the classification of Multiple Sclerosis Brain Lesions and Pituitary Tumor. In the proposed research, T1-weighted Contrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonance images are preprocessed with various image-preprocessing approaches such as to resize the images, to convert the images into suitable image format so that the experimental work can be performed with deep learning in the Matlab environment. The Experiment is conducted with the dataset of Multiple Sclerosis and Pituitary Tumor each of having 718 and 930T1-weighted MRI images respectively. The experimental results we achieved 99.7% classification accuracy of pituitary Tumor, and 99.2% accuracy of Multiple Sclerosis brain Lesions. The average accuracy of both classifications is 99.55%. The precision of the classification of Pituitary Tumor is 99.7, recall value is 99.7 and the f1_score of the classification is 99.7%. Similarly, the Precision of the classification of Multiple Sclerosis Brain Lesions is 99.15%, the recall value is 99.15%, and the f1_score is 99.15%. The purposed approach of the Convolutional Neural Network architecture exhibited outstanding performance as compared to other research outcomes.

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