
The Vogtland region, in the border region of Germany and the Czech Republic, is of special interest for the identification of seismic events on a local and regional scale, since both earthquakes and explosions occur frequently in the same area, and thus are relevant for discrimination research for verification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Previous research on event discrimination using spectral decay and variance from data recorded by the GERESS array indicated that spectral variance determined for the S phase for the seismic events in the Vogtland region seems to be the most promising parameter for event discrimination, because this parameter provides for almost complete separation of the earthquake and explosion populations. Almost the entire set of Vogtland events used in this research and more than 3000 local events detected in Germany in 1998 and 1999 were analysed to determine spectral slopes and variance for the P- and S-wave windows from stacked spectra of recordings at the GERESS array. The results suggest that small values for the spectral variance are associated not only with earthquakes in the Vogtland region, but also with earthquakes in other parts of Germany and neighbouring countries. While mining blasts show larger spectral variance values, mining-induced events yield a wide range of values, for example, in the Lubin area. A threshold-based identification scheme was applied; almost all events classified as earthquakes are found in seismically active regions. While the earthquakes are uniformly distributed throughout the day, events classified as explosions correlate with normal working hours, which is when blasting is done in Germany. In this study spectral variance provides good event discrimination for events in other parts of Germany, not only for the Vogtland region, showing that this identification parameter may be transported to other geological regions.

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