
Utilizing the distinct HMBC cross-peak patterns of lower-field range (LFR; 11.80-14.20 ppm) hydroxyl singlets, presented NMR methodology characterizes flavonoid metabolomes both qualitatively and quantitatively. It enables simultaneous classification of the structural types of 5-OH flavonoids and biogenetically related 2'-OH chalcones, as well as quantification of individual metabolites from 1H NMR spectra, even in complex mixtures. Initially, metabolite-specific LFR 1D 1H and 2D HMBC patterns were established via literature mining and experimental data interpretation, demonstrating that LFR HMBC patterns encode the different structural types of 5-OH flavonoids/2'-OH chalcones. Taking advantage of the simplistic multiplicity of the H,H-uncoupled LFR 5-/2'-OH singlets, individual metabolites could subsequently be quantified by peak fitting quantitative 1H NMR (PF-qHNMR). Metabolomic analysis of enriched fractions from three medicinal licorice (Glycyrrhiza) species established proof-of-concept for distinguishing three major structural types and eight subtypes in biomedical applications. The method identified 15 G. uralensis (GU) phenols from the six possible subtypes of 5,7-diOH (iso)flav(an)ones with 6-, 8-, and nonprenyl substitution, including the new 6-prenyl-licoisoflavanone (1) and two previously unknown compounds (4 and 7). Relative (100%) qNMR established quantitative metabolome patterns suitable for species discrimination and plant metabolite studies. Absolute qNMR with combined external and internal (solvent) calibration (ECIC) identified and quantified 158 GU metabolites. HMBC-supported qHNMR analysis of flavonoid metabolomes ("flavonomics") empowers the exploration of structure-abundance-activity relationships of designated bioactivity. Its ability to identify and quantify numerous metabolites simultaneously and without identical reference materials opens new avenues for natural product discovery and botanical quality control and can be adopted to other flavonoid- and chalcone-containing taxa.

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