
The aim of this paper is to review proposed classifications for genito-urinary fistulae. A comprehensive literature review of historical texts, peer review publications, and abstracts was used to compile a listing of the existing genito-urinary fistula classification systems. The absence of an accepted standardized classification for female genito-urinary fistulae has resulted in the proliferation of a number of individually devised categorizations. Fistulae are described by size, location, degree of vaginal scarring, and type (whether it involves the bladder, rectum, intestines, uterus, etc). In addition, most classification systems have not been subjected to outcomes research, making them primarily descriptive in nature. There is a lack of consensus among fistula surgeons in adopting a standardized classification system or systems. Comparative assessment of studies and outcomes is not possible without a standardized classification system. Currently, there is no accepted standardized classification for female genito-urinary fistula.

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