
We investigated clustering techniques on time series of daily electric load profiles of fourteen higher education buildings on the same campus. A k-means algorithm is implemented, and three different methods are compared: time-series features extraction with Manhattan distance and raw time series with Euclidian distance and Dynamic Time Warping. The impact of data characteristics with data collection time-steps and timeframes is studied using a database of more than 6,500 daily electric load profiles. We show that Euclidian distance applied to electric demand time series with three-month timeframes and ten-minute time-step provides the most consistent clustering results. In addition, useful insights are highlighted for non-residential buildings electric demand modeling and forecasting. Two groups of buildings can be distinguished regarding electric load profile patterns. On one hand, teaching, research, libraries, and gymnasium buildings show similar patterns distributed in two clusters corresponding to business days and closing days load profiles. On the other hand, campus office buildings present a larger number of clusters inconsistent with day-type dependent load profiles. A seasonal effect is also observed using six-month and one-year timeframes. Finally, a two-cluster distribution is obtained when aggregating all buildings load profiles.

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