
In order of abundance, the meta-sedimentary rocks along Pos Selim Highway in Perak state Malaysia comprise quartz mica schist, graphitic schist, and quartzite layers. Field investigations revealed that these meta-sedimentary rocks have gradational weathering profile based on differences particularly in textures, hardness, lateral changes in colour, and consistency of material extension. The results from uniaxial compressive strength tests confirmed field observations whereby failure occurred mostly on outcrops having joints almost perpendicular to foliation. From the kinematic analyses, the investigated cut slopes are unstable with possibilities of wedge and planar failures. Application of rock mass classification schemes including Rock Quality Designation (RQD) and Rock Mass Rating (RMR) yielded almost similar poor to good quality ranges for each investigated rock mass. While Slope Mass Rating (SMR) classified the cut slopes from stable to unstable slopes, this study categorized them into one actively unstable, four marginally stable and five stable slopes. ResumenEn orden de abundancia, las rocas metasedimentarias a lo largo de la carretera Pos Selim, en el estado Perak de Malasia, se componen de esquistos de cuarzo mica, esquistos de grafito y capas de cuarzo. Las investigaciones de campo revelan que estas rocas metasedimentarias tienen perfiles de meteorización progresiva basados en diferencias particulares como textura, dureza, cambios laterales de color y consistencia del material de extensión. Los resultados de los ensayos uniaxiales de esfuerzo de compresión confirmaron las observaciones de campo por las cuales se estableció que las fallas ocurrieron mayormente en los afloramientos con coyunturas perpendiculares hacia la foliación. De los análisis cinemáticos se desprende que los taludes de corte investigados son inestables con posibilidades de fallas planas y de cuña. La utilización de esquemas de clasificación rocosa como el índice RQD (del inglés Rock Quality Designation) y la clasificación geomecánica de Bienawski o RMR (del inglés Rock Mass Rating) evidencia rangos similares de baja y buena calidad para cada masa rocosa estudiada. Mientras que el índice de taludes SMR (del inglés Slope Mass Rating) clasificó los taludes de corte de estables a inestables, este estudio los categorizó de uno activamente inestable, cuatro marginalmente estables y cinco estables.


  • Information gathered from field investigations by geologists and engineers is insufficient to predict geotechnical behaviour of rocks and rock masses, which calls for laboratory investigations to ascertain the response of rocks under a wide variety of disturbances

  • The determined uniaxial compressive strength of quartz mica schist samples shown in Table 5 ranges from 56MPa to 117MPa, while graphitic schist has value of 87MPa

  • From the uniaxial compressive strength tests, it was observed that the combination of joints and foliations induced structurally controlled failures in the tested samples

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Information gathered from field investigations by geologists and engineers is insufficient to predict geotechnical behaviour of rocks and rock masses, which calls for laboratory investigations to ascertain the response of rocks under a wide variety of disturbances. The uniform definition of geotechnical engineering by Murthy (2002), Venkatramaiah (2006), and Das and Sobhan (2013) is that it deals with the application of the principles of soil and rock mechanics to the design of foundations, retaining structures, and earth structures. In this investigated area, previous studies by Mohd Asbi & Associates (2005) and Andrew Malone Ltd (2007) classified the stability of the cut slopes using kinematic analyses. To ensure further understanding of the characterization of the slopes, this study carried out field observations, laboratory and computational analyses of the geotechnical properties of the rocks and utilized the recorded and derived data for rock mass and slope mass classifications

Geological setting of investigated area
Description of weathering profile over quartz mica schist
Measurement of rock mass jointing
Uniaxial compressive strength test
Kinematic stability assessment
Results and discussions
Rock mass classification
Slope stability analysis of the rock cuts
Classification of the rock cut slopes
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