
<p>Magnetic Resonance (MR) brain Image is very important for medial analysis and diagnosis. These images are generally measured in radiology department to measure images of anatomy as well as the general physiological process of the human body. In this process magnetic resonance imaging measurement are used with a heavy magnetic field, its gradients along with radio waves to produce the pictures of human organs. MR brain image is also used to identify any blood clots or damaged blood veins in the brain. A counterfeit neural organization is a nonlinear information handling model that have been effectively used preparation models for tackling administered design acknowledgment assignments because of its capacity to sum up this present reality issues. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is used to classify the given MR brain image having Benign or Malignant tumour in the brain. Benign tumours are generally not cancerous tumours. These are also not able to grow or spread in the human body. In very rare cases they may grow very slowly. Once it is eliminated, they do not come again. On the other hand, Malignant tumours are cancer tumours. These tumour cells are grown and also easily spread to other parts of the human body. Benign also known as Harmless. These are not destructive. They either can't spread or develop, or they do as such leisurely. On the off chance that a specialist eliminates them, they don't by and large return. Premalignant In these growths, the cells are not yet harmful, however they can possibly become threatening. Malignant also known as threatening. Malignant growths are destructive. The cells can develop and spread to different pieces of the body. In our proposed framework initially, it distinguishes Wavelet Transform to separate the highlights from the picture. Subsequent to separating the highlights it incorporates tumour shape and power attributes just as surface highlights are distinguished. Finally, ANN to group the information highlights set into Benign or Malignant tumour. The main purpose as well as the objective is to identifying the tumours weather it belongs to Benign or Malignant.</p>

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