
The article provides data on period III relicts and rare tree and shrub species common in the forest ecosystems of the Zakatala and Belokan districts of Azerbaijan, and their classification and status by geological periods is given. As a result of research and analysis, the species Taxus baccata L., Hedera pastuchovii Woronow ex Woronow and Smilax excelsa L. were included in the relicts of the Poltava flora. In the forest ecosystems of the study areas, 6 tree and shrub relict species belonging to 6 families and 6 genera of the subtropical evergreen Poltava flora (mesothermal relicts of the Arctic flora of the III period) were identified: Taxus baccata L., Platanus orientalis L., Punica granatum L., Hedera pastuchovii Woronow ex Woronow, Smilax excelsa L. and Diospyros lotus L. With the exception of Smilax excelsa L., other 5 species are listed in the Red Book of the Azerbaijan Republic. In the Zakatala and Belokan districts, relict tree and shrub plants belonging to 15 families, 23 genera and 30 species of Arctic and deciduous Turgai flora (mesothermal relicts of the Arctic flora of the III period) are widespread. Of these, 10 species (Pinus kochiana Klotzsch ex K. Koch = Pinus sylvestris var. hamata Steven, Fraxinus coriariifolia Scheele, Castanea sativa Mill., Quercus iberica Steven ex M. Bieb., Pterocarya pterocarpa (Michx.) Kunth ex Iljinsk., Juglans regia L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Acer hyrcanum Fisch. ex C. A. Mey., Corylus colurna L., Vitis vinifera L., are considered rare plants of Azerbaijan. It was established that 38 rare tree and shrub species belonging to 35 there are 23 families.

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