
Discriminative language modeling (DLM) is a feature-based approach that is used as an error-correcting step after hypothesis generation in automatic speech recognition (ASR). We formulate this both as a classification and a ranking problem and employ the perceptron, the margin infused relaxed algorithm (MIRA) and the support vector machine (SVM). To decrease training complexity, we try count-based thresholding for feature selection and data sampling from the list of hypotheses. On a Turkish morphology based feature set we examine the use of first and higher order n -grams and present an extensive analysis on the complexity and accuracy of the models with an emphasis on statistical significance. We find that we can save significantly from computation by feature selection and data sampling, without significant loss in accuracy. Using the MIRA or SVM does not lead to any further improvement over the perceptron but the use of ranking as opposed to classification leads to a 0.4% reduction in word error rate (WER) which is statistically significant.

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