
The classical spectral curve for the worldsheet theory of the AdS5×S5 lambda superstring is constructed. The lambda string is interpreted as a regularized, non-abelian T-dual of the AdS5×S5 superstring with respect to the full PSU(2, 2|4) symmetry. The form of the curve is identified as the semi-classical limit of a set of Bethe ansatz equations for an XXZ type spin chain for the supergroup PSU(2, 2|4) in contrast to the string in AdS5×S5 which is XXX type.


  • A fascinating integrable system is the world-sheet theory of the string in AdS5×S5 and the N = 4 gauge-gravity duality.1 In this case, the form of the classical curve has been determined in [4]

  • The curve is determined by the solution of some auxiliary integral equations that can be viewed as a complicated Riemann-Hilbert problem

  • The Asymptotic Bethe Ansatz (ABA) can be viewed as a direct quantization of the classical spectral curve and it had a direct connection to the dual gauge theory

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Superalgebra conventions

The world-sheet theories of the conventional AdS5×S5 superstring and lambda deformation involve the semi-symmetric space F/G = PSU(2, 2|4)/Sp(2, 2) × Sp(4), whose bosonic part is precisely AdS5×S5 realised as the product of symmetric spaces SU(2, 2)/Sp(2, 2) × SU(4)/Sp(4). Our conventions for this superalgebra are taken from [3]. The generators are matrices EAB with a 1 in position (A, B) and zeros elsewhere. The c-parity determines the reality condition on the generators by specifying an anti-linear conjugation of the form.

Roots and weights
The loop algebra
The lambda string
Virasoro constraints
Gauge symmetries
The wave function
Monodromy and symplectic form
Symplectic form
Local conserved charges
Classical spectral curve
Base curve
Special points
Engineering the curve
A particular choice of simple roots
More general bases
A Gauge fixed theory
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Paper version not known

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