
We investigate the classical Renyi entropy S_n and the associated mutual information I_n in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (S-K) model, which is the paradigm model of mean-field spin glasses. Using classical Monte Carlo simulations and analytical tools we investigate the S-K model on the n-sheets booklet. This is obtained by gluing together n independent copies of the model, and it is the main ingredient to construct the Renyi entanglement-related quantities. We find a glassy phase at low temperature, whereas at high temperature the model exhibits paramagnetic behavior, consistent with the regular S-K model. The temperature of the paramagnetic-glassy transition depends non-trivially on the geometry of the booklet. At high-temperatures we provide the exact solution of the model by exploiting the replica symmetry. This is the permutation symmetry among the fictitious replicas that are used to perform disorder averages (via the replica trick). In the glassy phase the replica symmetry has to be broken. Using a generalization of the Parisi solution, we provide analytical results for S_n and I_n, and for standard thermodynamic quantities. Both S_n and I_n exhibit a volume law in the whole phase diagram. We characterize the behavior of the corresponding densities S_n/N, I_n/N, in the thermodynamic limit. Interestingly, at the critical point the mutual information does not exhibit any crossing for different system sizes, in contrast with local spin models.

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