
Part 1 Linear motion: Newtonian theory interactions the drag racer - frictional force sport parachuting - viscous force archery - spring force methods of solution simple harmonic oscillator damped harmonic motion forced oscillator with damping resonance. Part 2 Energy conservation: potential energy gravitational escape small oscillations three-dimensional motion - vector notation conservation forces in three dimensions motion in a plane simple pendulum coupled harmonic oscillators. Part 3 Lagrangian method: Lagrange's equations some Lagrangian applications the Lorentz force mechanical constraints Hamilton's equations. Part 4 Momentum conservation: rocket motion frames of reference elastic collisions - laboratory and center-of-mass systems collisions of billiard balls inelastic collisions scattering cross sections. Part 5 Angular-momentum conservation: central forces planetary motion eccentricity vector Kepler's laws satellites and spacecraft grand tours of the outer planets Rutherford scattering. Part 6 Particles systems and rigid bodies: center of mass and the two-body problem rotational equation of motion rigid bodies - static equilibrium statics and dynamics of a heavy string rotations of rigid bodies gyroscope effect the boomerang moments and produces of intertia single-axis rotations moments-of-intertia calculations impulses and billiard shots super-ball bounces. Part 7 Accelerated coordinate systems: transformation to moving coordinate frames fictitious forces motion on the earth Foucault's pendulum dynamical balance of a rigid body principal axes and Euler's equations the tennis racket theorem the earth as a free symmetric top - external observer spinning top, including gravity slipping tops - rising and sleeping the tippie-top. Part 8 Gravitation: attraction of a spherical body - Newton's theorem the tides gravity field of the earth. Part 9 Newtonian cosmology: the universe virial theorem dark matter cosmology. Part 10 Non-linear mechanics and the approach to chaos: the anharmonic oscillator the damped and driven anharmonic oscillator numerical solutions. Part 11 Relativity: the relativity idea Lorentz transformation consequences of relativity relativistic momentum and energy.

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