
Art, Culture, Traditions, Customs, Trends one and the other ways reflecting the human life. Thousands of years before scholars of the Art and literature had created them for the wisdom of human being and social welfare. Art and literature are the source of innate peace and pleasure. They many of the times teaches the art of ‘Yagna’ and ‘Yudhha’. They give proof of the existence of the different Eras come in human life. They are the witness of the rules and various rulers. They connect the modern man with the Ancient and the Spiritual life left behind centuries to centuries. The religious scriptures play important roles in creation of the Art and the literature. Presented research paper focuses on the extreme valuable role of the classical art aand Classical war Art (Martial Art of India) which were the part of Spiritual culture of ‘Bharat Varsha’. It has immense knowledge of the health, prosperity, worshipping, religion, science, the peace, pleasure and strength of human life and which is the ultimate goal of the Art. Years and years various rulers came and they establish their own colours of the culture with Ancient Art of India. Thus it got the changed colours century by century. Art became dead, the artists became worthless, aimless and some of them changed their ways to be with the art thus by pleasing and respecting the rulers changed the form of Art. However, the intentions of the art changed, the worth got changed, the art became full of life with the modern time too. Tradition of leading the art of Gayan, Vadan, Nritya made live not only thousands of families generation to generation but also gave the Classical Art with new form, meaning, wisdom, worth and spirituality. The wars got ended yet the war of modern life doesn’t get ended. As a reason the aim of life doesn’t become goal of life but pursuing the potential identification and giving mode to the human life as per that.

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