
When the Embryonic Day 20 (E20) rat fetus is given a conditioning trial involving a paired presentation of an artificial nipple (the conditioned stimulus; CS) with an intraoral infusion of milk (the unconditioned stimulus; US), it shows evidence of classical conditioning when again exposed to the CS during a test trial. Specifically, the fetus shows fewer oral grasp responses (the conditioned response; CR) when continuously presented with the artificial nipple. The present study further investigated this classically conditioned reduction in oral grasping. Separate experiments (a) examined the time course of the reduction in oral grasping (Experiment 1), (b) characterized the time course of mu opioid (Experiment 2) and kappa opioid (Experiment 3) involvement in the CR, and (c) described changes in fetal behavior (Experiment 4) associated with mu and kappa opioid effects on responding to the artificial nipple. The results are discussed in terms of opioid involvement in establishing and maintaining early suckling behavior.

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