
Superfluid helium-4 is a unique liquid for the experimental study of capillary wave turbulence because of its very low viscosity. We have studied the influence of the amplitude and spectral characteristics of an excitation force on the behavior of the turbulence cascade of capillary waves in a 30-cm-diam cylindrical cell. The experimental results can be explained in terms of wave turbulence theory (WTT) when the pump amplitude is relatively high. However, a very interesting phenomenon is observed at moderate harmonic surface excitation amplitudes. The turbulence spectrum deviates from the power law form predicted by WTT at high frequencies; a local maximum develops, which can be interpreted as wave energy accumulation. Our estimates show that a special case of wave turbulence was realized in our experiments, namely, a discrete turbulence in which the discreteness of the cell resonant frequencies has a strong effect on the mechanism of the nonlinear interaction.

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