
Our Artificial Intelligence research group at the University of Leeds has collected, analysed and annotated Classical Arabic corpus resources: the Quranic Arabic Corpus with several layers of linguistic annotation; the QurAna Quran pronoun anaphoric co-reference corpus; the QurSim Quran verse similarity corpus; the Qurany Quran corpus annotated with English translations and verse topics; the Boundary-Annotated Quran Corpus; the Quran Question and Answer Corpus; the Multilingual Hadith Corpus; the King Saud University Corpus of Classical Arabic; and the Corpus for teaching about Islam. We have also developed Modern Arabic corpus resources spanning several genres and language types: Arabic By Computer; the Corpus of Contemporary Arabic; the Arabic Internet Corpus; the World Wide Arabic Corpus; the Arabic Discourse Treebank; the Arabic Learner Corpus; the Arabic Children’s Corpus; and the Arabic Dialect Text Corpus. These corpus resources have informed Arabic corpus linguistics and Artificial Intelligence research, and development of Arabic text analytics tools.

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