
In this paper, we introduce new classes of operators related to the class of polynomially normal operators which are described as follows: (i) $$m$$ -quasi polynomially normal operators includes polynomially normal operators recently studied in [7, 6]. A bounded linear operator $$S$$ on a complex Hilbert space $$\mathcal{H}$$ is said to be $$m$$ -quasi polynomially normal operator if there exists a nontrivial polynomial $$P={\sum }_{0\le k\le n}{b}_{k}{z}^{k}\in {\mathbb{C}}[z]$$ for which $${S}^{*m}(P(S){S}^{*}-{S}^{*}P(S)){S}^{m}=\,0$$ $$(\Leftrightarrow \sum_{0\le k\le n}{b}_{k}{S}^{*m}({S}^{k}{S}^{*}-{S}^{*}{S}^{k}){S}^{m}=\,0),$$ where $$m$$ is a natural number. (ii) Polynomially $$C$$ -normal operators includes $$C$$ -normal operators studied in [13, 23, 25]. An operator $$S$$ is called polynomially $$C$$ -normal operator if there exists a nontrivial polynomial $$P\in {\mathbb{C}}[z]$$ and a conjugation operator $$C$$ on $$\mathcal{H}$$ for which $$CP(S){S}^{*}-{S}^{*}P(S)C=\,0(\Leftrightarrow \sum_{0\le k\le n}{b}_{k}(C{S}^{k}{S}^{*}-{S}^{*}{S}^{k}C)=\,0).$$ A detailed study of certain properties of some members of the first class has been presented. However, an initiation to the study of the second class has been given.

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