
Despite the success of deep neural networks in medical image classification, the problem remains challenging as data annotation is time-consuming, and the class distribution is imbalanced due to the relative scarcity of diseases. To address this problem, we propose Class-Specific Distribution Alignment (CSDA), a semi-supervised learning framework based on self-training that is suitable to learn from highly imbalanced datasets. Specifically, we first provide a new perspective to distribution alignment by considering the process as a change of basis in the vector space spanned by marginal predictions, and then derive CSDA to capture class-dependent marginal predictions on both labeled and unlabeled data, in order to avoid the bias towards majority classes. Furthermore, we propose a Variable Condition Queue (VCQ) module to maintain a proportionately balanced number of unlabeled samples for each class. Experiments on three public datasets HAM10000, CheXpert and Kvasir show that our method provides competitive performance on semi-supervised skin disease, thoracic disease, and endoscopic image classification tasks.

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