
This article investigates the existence and viability of some traversable wormholes involving electric charge effects in f(R,T) gravity. We use the negative energy density obtained from the Casimir source in this regard, and the consequences of the electromagnetic field produced by an electric charge are taken into account. In order to obtain wormhole shape function, we apply some noteworthy Casimir energy density systems like two parallel plates, two parallel cylinders, two spheres that are placed far apart, and the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) correction. We analyze the fundamental wormhole conditions as well as the validity of null energy condition by taking variations of coupling parameter λ of f(R,T) gravity and the electric charge Q. Next, we explore the dynamics of gravitational active mass of the formulated wormhole solutions depending on Q. Furthermore, we study the volume integral quantifier of these charged Casimir wormhole solutions and also, determine the corresponding values of complexity factor. It is shown that the obtained wormhole solutions exhibit valid behavior and the respective values of complexity factor always fall within a certain range.

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