
Let {Km}m≥4 be the family of non-normal totally real cubic number fields as- sociated with the Q-irreducible cubic polynomials Pm(x) = x 3 − mx 2 − (m + 1)x − 1, m ≥ 4. We determine all these Km's with class numbers hm ≤ 3: there are 14 such Km's. Assuming the Generalized Riemann hypothesis for all the real quadratic number fields, we also prove that the exponents em of the ideal class groups of these Km go to infinity with m and we determine all these Km's with ideal class groups of exponents em ≤ 3: there are 6 such Km with ideal class groups of exponent 2, and 6 such Km with ideal class groups of exponent 3.

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