
On November 15th, 2017, a new sunphotometer was installed for sensing and studying aerosols at National Meteo-rological Service headquarters in the City of Tucumán (26,787oS; 65,207oO), and was integrated to the AERONET/ NASA network. The north-central region of the country is mostly affected by both local and transported biomassburning events. In this work, a statistical study is carried out with the first available measurements done betweenNovember 2017 and December 2018. This analysis shows the averaged values of the aerosol optical properties, theAngstrom coefficient and the aerosol type. In addition, an aerosol transport event during the month of September 2018is studied, highlighting high values of aerosol optical thickness of 0.45 at 440 nm and an Angstrom coefficient of 1.95,indicating the presence of smoke in the local atmosphere.

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