
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the clarity of the self-concept of teachers of general secondary education institutions as a degree of expressiveness, internal coherence and stability of the structural elements of the self-concept that make up its content. An insufficient level of clarity of self-concept was established for quite a large number of teachers. Attention is focused on the fact that people with low self-clarity have higher levels of anxiety, depression, emotional instability, a tendency to destructive types of reflection, and rumination than people with high self-concept clarity
 The gender-age and organizational-professional features of the clarity of the self-concept of teachers of general secondary education institutions are determined. In particular, it was established that male pedagogical workers are characterized by a higher level of self-concept clarity than women, although such differences level off with age. In addition, it was determined that the clarity of the self-concept is higher among teachers from lyceums and gymnasiums compared to their colleagues from traditional institutions of general secondary education, especially among those who hold managerial positions.The relationship between the clarity of teachers' self-concept and their psychological well-being was revealed. It was established that the higher the level of clarity of self-concept, the higher indicators of psychological well-being are characterized by the studied teachers.A conclusion was made about the expediency of developing the clarity of the self-concept of teachers of general secondary education institutions, which will contribute to their psychological well-being.

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