
We are writing to address errors of misrepresentation in the article "ON and OFF receptive field processing in the presence of optical scattering" [Biomed. Opt. Express14, 2618 (2023)10.1364/BOE.489117]. In their investigation of predictions of "contrast theory" to explain the efficacy of diffusion optics technology (DOT), a myopia control lens design [Br. J. Ophthalmol.107, 1709 (2023)10.1136/bjo-2021-321005], Breher et al. incorrectly indicated that our contrast theory proposed that the association between cone opsin gene splicing defects and myopia was due to differential involvement in ON- and OFF-visual pathways. In addition, the Authors write that we have "hypothesized enhanced ON contrast sensitivity in myopes," but we predict the opposite.

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