
It's difficult to think of a well-known brand without automatically remembering its claim. Red Bull famously provides you with wings, BMW provides us with the “joy of driving”. The claim or slogan is a short phrase, which reflects the company's brand essence, the personality, position and scope for competition. Claims of many companies are part of our popular society. The frequent repetition and permanent exposure through the media increase publicity, evoke emotional resonance and thus influence consumers in their behavior of buying. In a time of changing values and economic uncertainty, brands and slogans are becoming increasingly important to orient and position companies and their products. The communication conditions under which this task must be fulfilled have, however, been increasingly tightened, meaning it is of heightened importance for brand management to create uniform communication, including a supporting slogan, for its brand, which distinguishes the product from the crowd and privileges the consumer – despite equivalent rival products.This advantage arises through the creation of a unique brand personality invested by the slogan. This strengthening only takes place when the slogan can be understood by the consumer, and the correct brand can be allocated. This is where the article came in, by viewing the claim as an element of brand management with its functions and areas of usage. The issues regarding the effect of claims, the linguistic dimensions, and co-ordination with the remaining communication are also dealt with. The empirical results of a survey, which provide additional information on claims and their effect in brand communication, are presented. The aim of the study is to gain a qualitative result of slogan perception and its effect on the brand values. The slogan awareness study focuses on determining brand affinity, whether known slogans reflect the brand's core values, and whether they are recognizable or not. The first port of call here is advertisement perception and attitude to the issue of advertising in itself.In sum, the contribution provides essential stimulation for further economic research on claims as instruments of strategic brand management. The article also contains helpful suggestions for practical situations and tries to provide a basic approach for real-life design recommendations.

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