
Cladotaenia (Paracladotaenia) cathartis n. sp. Description. (All measurements in millimeters.) Body 386 long and 3.1 wide. Scolex (fig. 1) 0.32 wide; with disc-shaped, unarmed rostellum 0.09 wide by 0.33 thick; suckers 0.145 to 0.150 in diameter. Neck 1.0 long by 0.163 wide. Proglottids (fig. 2) definitely longer than broad. Genital pores marginal, irregularly alternate, and situated anterior to middle of segment; in young proglottids opening to exterior at level of margin, and in more mature ones at tip of cone-shaped prominences. Inner longitudinal muscle-layer well developed. Transverse muscles fine and sheath-like. Area lateral to excretory vessels wide and translucent in gravid proglottids. Excretory stem wide and slightly constricted at origin of transverse comissure, the latter somewhat inflated at middle (figs. 2 and 3). Testes spherical, 74 to 100, arranged in two fields anterior to ovary and limited by excretory vessels and uterine stem. Cirrus pouch pyriform, 0.35 to 0.14, lacking vesicula seminalis interna, but containing a protrusible cirrus with fanshaped muscles at base. Cirrus opening into genital atrium directly in front of vagina. Vas deferens enlarged near base of cirrus pouch, which enlargement may serve as a vesicula seminalis externa. Ovary bi-lobed, irregular in outline, and lying at median posterior portion of proglottid. Vitelline gland 0.18 in diameter, irregularly rounded, and situated posterior to ovary. Receptaculum seminis pouch-like, situated between ovarian lobes. Uterus

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