
Abstract A description is provided for Cladosporium ornithogali . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Ornithogalum spp. ( Hyacinthaceae ) and Gagea Salisb. ( Liliaceae ). Ranojevic (1910) reports this fungus on leaves of Ornithogalum narbonense L., Muscari comosum (L.) Miller and M. neglectum Gussone from Montenegro and Serbia. DISEASE: Leaf spot of Star of Bethlehem ( Ornithogalum sp.). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Africa: Kenya, South Africa. America: USA (IL, PA, WA). Europe: Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Russia, UK. TRANSMISSION: By wind dispersal of airborne conidia.

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