
The Unfair Contract Terms Directive and provisions of the national law which implement that legal act realize a system of consumer protection against the usage of abusive clauses in contracts concluded by consumers and professionals. The large set of case law provided by the CJEU makes it possible to clarify the principles and scope of the consumers protection. However, it is not comprehensive, as there are still important legal issues that have not been yet resolved by the CJEUs judgements. They concern, in particular, such important issues for borrowers as determining the beginning of the limitation period for claims of the parties to the contract, as well as assessing the legitimacy of the lenders' claims for payment of remuneration for the use of the capital of the loan, which had been paid on the basis of a contract which has been declared void. That issues are addressed by references in preliminary ruling proceedings, currently conducted before the CJEU on the basis of questions submitted by Polish courts, in cases concerning borrowers. Examination of these questions leads to the conclusion, that the Court probably will take a pro-consumer position on these key issues, consistently advocating for the broad protection of the weaker party to the contract.

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