
Presented paper shows differences between civilian-based defense and civil defense (in EU known as civil protection). The first is a subjective and motivated process of building security system with a major participation of civic society within a democratic state. It means that civic organizations and representatives cooperate within the states’ security institutions not only by the elected formal parliamentary representation. In the democratic state civic society brings to the security system non-military component concerning all these cultural and axiological behave that could firm ability to protect country from - however understood - external threats. Among these abilities and skills are those methods that are described by Gene Sharp in his works on non-violet actions. Civil defense (in the EU called civic protection) is the institutional system aimed to skill cooperation of civil people and professionals of emergency to secure human life and material wealth and material goods in case of warfare or/and natural disaster. Gene Sharp who developed theory of non-violent resistance disseminated civilian-based defense, as a notion. Lithuanian history of 1991 showed that consistently developed defense system, without the use of military means could be effective and bring intended results. The methods adopted in Vilnius in January 1991, well described in works of Gražina Miniotaitė, could not be literary/mechanically transferred to other cultural areas or societies far form “European” model of civilization. Sharp’s methods could not be also used to systems where conflict parts do not confess the same system of values (justice, regard for human rights etc.). Essential element is the possibility to use international factor to deter or contain invader/dictator (international organizations impact, media influence, sanctions and boycott etc.). The case of Ukraine illustrates that civilian resistance against dictatorship could evaluate into the international conflict. This specific situation characterizes post-colonial states and shows tough dependence of former “patron” that attempts to maintain its influence and control over the liberated country. Crimea occupation, hybrid war induced by Russia let Ukraine start process of redefinition of identity and helped building new subjectivity. In this process the key role plays the civilian-based defense. Ukrainian experience of practical solidarity, in front of war - with its specific limitations - proves that Sharp’s methods are effective. Final conclusion may be - relying on described above examples of Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine - the deep convenience that building state’s security system this what we called civilian-based defense or its elements mustn’t be rejected anywhere.

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