
Various socioeconomic and political developments in Nigeria have necessitated avalanche of interventions of several civil society organizations (CSOs) with which they would sustain democratic practices by ensuring moral values, fundamental human rights protection, transparency and rule of law. In the daily administration of government, CSOs are seen as instruments of solution to numerous societal problems that have deprived citizens of the dividends of democracy such as neglect, insecurity, oppression and exploitation. This study focuses on the exploration of how CSOs have contributed towards sustaining democracy in Nigeria. The study is geared towards revealing the challenges that militate against the efforts of CSOs towards the sustenance of democracy in Nigeria. Qualitative method is adopted for this study, while secondary materials from books, journals, newspapers, and internet sources are utilized in accessing information. Descriptive method is used in the analysis of the sourced information. Liberal theory is deployed in the analysis of the study, as it displays the interconnectedness existing among different sectors of the society. Our findings revealed that CSOs are yet to be acknowledged as a genuine force in democratic Nigerian society. There is, also, lack of a well-structured institutional framework to support more collaboration between governmental and CSOs. The study concludes that CSOs have vital areas of contributions in the society, and are needed for Nigeria’s democratic sustenance. It is recommended that the autonomy of CSOs should be promoted to enable them perform successfully towards democratic sustenance through their policy formulation and implementation, monitoring and supervision in the society.

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