
Contents: Introduction Part I The Image of Balance: Security and liberty: the image of balance, Jeremy Waldron Emergencies, tradeoffs, and deference, Eric A. Posner and Adrian Vermeule. Part II Institutional Models: The Emergency Constitution: This is not a war, Bruce Ackerman The priority of morality: the emergency constitution's blind spot, David Cole Weak Constitutionalism: Minimalism at war, Cass R. Sunstein Strong Constitutionalism: Securing liberty in the face of terror: reflections from criminal justice, Lucia Zedner Must we trade rights for security? The choice between smart, harsh, or proportionate security strategies in Canada and Britain, Kent Roach Keeping control of terrorists without losing control of constitutionalism, Clive Walker Equality in the war on terror, Neal Katyal. Part III Civilizing Security?: World citizens between freedom and security, Klaus GA1/4nther The cultural lives of security and rights, Ian Loader and Neil Walker Name Index.

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