
SUMMARY Although the establishment of the Free Trade Pact between Canada and the US in 1989 was thought to be a solution to foreseeable economic difficulties in Canada, the reality is that North America is in an economic recession at the present time. Economists and politicians grasp at every positive economic indicator that shows the slightest trend upward, but unemployment stands at an average of 14% across the country. Despite a downturn in economic activity, Canadian engineering services captured about 8% of the international design market, with the US being the single largest market segment [l]. In view of the development of more global markets for engineering services, it is important that Canadian engineers be trained to be competitive in other world markets, i.e. in Europe and Pacific Rim countries. This paper outlines the professional and educational systems in Canada relative to the training of engineers but centres on the training of civil engineers at the University of New Brunswick and the ev...

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