
The article is devoted to determining the role and place of civic competence of a preschool teacher in the general system of teacher formation in the light of reforming the preschool education system. It was established that the basis of the new educational policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is the prioritization of preschool education as the foundation of an integral system of continuous education. Attention is focused on the fact that, aware of Ukraine's desire to establish itself on the world stage as a European democratic state, educators should understand the direction of internal transformations, in particular in the national education system: the New Ukrainian School is designed to educate a new generation of citizens who have civic values who make responsible decisions and have a sense of responsibility for the fate of Ukraine. The article analyzes the current legislative and regulatory framework for preschool education in the context of civic education, formulates a number of requirements and sets of tasks for the formation of civic competence of the teacher of the New Ukrainian School. It was established that the key industry document in the reform of preschool education, which brings it to a qualitatively new level, in the position of international standards of the quality of education, was the update of the state standard of preschool education (Basic component of preschool education); in particular, the basic principles of its implementation are identical to the principles of a democratic society, including: democracy, the direction of the educational process towards sustainable development and European integration processes in Ukraine, public administration, social partnership, etc. In the course of the study, it was proved that the challenges associated with the formation of a conscious citizen who professes democratic values, with a high sense of self-worth, an active civic position and responsibility, can be solved exclusively by a pedagogical community with a high level of citizenship, and formed civic competences of a teacher is a tool for expanding the opportunities for the development of his personality in the educational field, his promotion in social activities, the possibility of influencing social and state-level processes.

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