
Kotagede is one of the cities in Java that uses the basic principle of the philosophy of "Catur Gatra Tunggal" which is an amalgamation of the four elements into a single unit. Catur Gatra Tunggal consists of Keraton (palace) as the center of power authority, city squares as the center of public rituals, mosque as the center of worship and market as the trading center fused in one area.Kotagede has the potential of heritage such as handicrafts, works of culinary, distinctive art, and the tomb of King that can be a strength of Kotagede brand image built in the target audience’s mind. This potential has been surviving for generations to the present. Kotagede can be offered to the target audience by introducing the city through the promotion of activities involving the stakeholders such as the local government and community of Kotagede Yogyakarta.The communication strategy undertaken in this design is city branding efforts of Kotagede by juxtaposing the potential heritage of the idea of social story videos in the form of diary on daily journal of travel in exploring Kotagede with provided benefits are peace and comfort.

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