
Nucleotide sequences of group I citrus viroids Ia (CVd-Ia) and citrus bent leaf viroid (CBLVd, formerly designated CVd-Ib) isolated from citrus plants in Japan, the Philippines and China have been determined. Citrus samples in Japan and the Philippines contained CVd-Ia, which consists of 328 nucleotides(nt). Although 10 nt longer than the type CBLVd-225A in Israel they share 94% identity in overall nucleotide sequence. The Philippines sample also contained a 329-nt long CVd-Ia sequence variant, in which one base insertion and three substitutions were observed. A citrus in China contained CBLVd, which consists of 318 nt and shares 98% identity to CBLVd-225A. CVd-Ia was clearly separated from CBLVd by two 5-nt insertions located in upper (5'-AGCUG-3') and the lower (5'-CUUCU-3') strand of the right terminal region (which is also designated T2 domain) in rod-like secondary structure. Since both of the additional 5-nt sequences are similar to the adjacent sequences (5'-AGUUG-3' and 5'-CUUCU-3'), we hypothesize that CVd-Ia is a derivative of CBLVd caused by partial sequence duplications and substitutions taking place in the right terminal region.

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