
Bacterial adaptation to extreme environments is often mediated by horizontal gene transfer (HGT) via genetic mobile elements. Nevertheless, phage-mediated HGT conferring bacterial arsenic resistance determinants has rarely been investigated. In this study, a highly arsenite and antimonite resistant bacterium, Citrobacter portucalensis strain Sb-2, was isolated, and genome analysis showed that several putative arsenite and antimonite resistance determinants were flanked or embedded in prophages. Furthermore, an active bacteriophage carrying one of the ars clusters (arsRDABC arsR-yraQ/arsP) was obtained and sequenced. These genes encoding putative arsenic resistance determinants were induced by arsenic and antimony as demonstrated by RT-qPCR, and one gene arsP/yraQ of the ars cluster was shown to give resistance to MAs(III) and Rox(III), thereby showing function. Here, we were able to directly show that these phage-mediated arsenic and antimony resistances play a significant role in adapting to As- and Sb-contaminated environments. In addition, we demonstrate that this phage is responsible for conferring arsenic and antimony resistances to C. portucalensis strain Sb-2.

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