
A random survey of two Norfolk, VA residential neighborhoods (N=132) revealed citizen attitudes toward the orangestriped oakworm, Anisota senatoria. The majority of citizens surveyed (98.5%) considered A. senatoria a serious problem, experienced greaterthan 50% defoliation (56%), and were willing to tolerate some damage (70%). Chi-square analysis showed the greater the damage, the less tolerant citizens were to A. senatoria infestation (P<0.0001). The physical presence of A. senatoria, as measured by frass and larvae on property, was the primary citizen complaint and defoliation effects were considered as minor. Citizens were willing to pay for professional A. senatonacontrol. Many (43.5%) felt municipal control was ineffective because of poor timing of treatments. They felt that trees (35%) and the lawn (34%) were aesthetically the most important components in the landscape. Most citizens (80%) were willing to pay for natural control, and some (38.5%) felt that pesticides were unsafe. The attitudes toward A. senatoria provided a framework for designing an urban pest management program.

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