
Walton and Brownlee1 have reported the conversion of pure ψ-diethylstilbœstrol (cis ?) into diethylstilbœstrol (trans) in 80 per cent yield by heating with alcoholic hydrochloric acid. Recent work in this laboratory has shown that heating with 2.5 N aqueous hydrochloric acid for periods of 30 min.—2 hr. converts both ψ-diethylstilbœstrol and diethylstilbœstrol into an equilibrium mixture in which, in so far as these two substances are concerned, diethylstilbœstrol preponderates in the ratio 9 : 1. The change has been followed by melting-point and colorimetric estimations2 of the products isolated from saturated acid solutions after cooling to room temperature, and checked by comparison with the properties of suitable mechanical mixtures.

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