
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the incidence of non-gynecological surgical procedures used in the treatment of ovarian cancer, as well to describe their complications. METHODS: eighty-two patients with ages from 22 to 89 (mean = 54.1 ± 15.1 years), submitted to laparotomy for surgical treatment of ovarian cancer from February 1999 to October 2003 were retrospectively evaluated. This study included only patients with epithelial ovary carcinoma. The patients were divided into 2 groups, patients submitted exclusively to gynecological procedures and patients submitted to non-gynecological procedures. Statistical analysis was made with the Student's t-test or the chi-square test. RESULTS: 5 patients (6.1%) were in stage (FIGO) I, 18 (21.9%) in stage II, 40 (48.8%) in stage III, and 19 (23.2%) in stage IV. Non-gynecological procedures were done in 35 cases (42.7%), including: 17 colostomies, 16 enterectomies, 8 peritonectomies, 7 colectomies, 5 partial diaphragm resections, 4 partial cystectomies, 4 splenectomies, 2 ileostomies, and 1 hepatectomy. All patients submitted to non-gynecological procedures were included in stages III and IV. This group of patients underwent longer-lasting surgeries (5.3 ± 1.4 versus 3.1 + 0,0 h; p < 0.001). There was no significant difference between these two groups regarding hemotransfusion requirement (42,2 versus 40%; p = 0.512) and hospitalization time (11.5 ± 7.2 versus 10 ± 9.9 days; p = 0.454). Patients submitted to non-gynecological surgeries developed higher rates of postoperative complications (37 versus 17.1%; p = 0.042), and two of them (2.4%) died. CONCLUSION: non-gynecological surgical procedures are frequently used in the treatment of patients with ovarian cancer. These procedures are associated with a longer-lasting surgery and higher rates of postoperative complications.


  • 18.Morris M, Gershenson DM, Burke TW, Wharton JT, Copeland LJ, Rutledge FN

  • Objective: to evaluate the incidence of non-gynecological surgical procedures used in the treatment of ovarian cancer, as well to describe their complications

  • Patients submitted to non-gynecological surgeries developed higher rates of postoperative complications (37 versus 17.1%; p = 0.042), and two of them (2.4%) died

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Nongynecologic Surgery in Patients with Ovarian Cancer

Agnaldo Lopes da Silva-Filho[1], Eduardo Batista Cândido[1], Maurício Bechara Noviello[1], Admário Silva Santos-Filho[1], Paulo Traiman[3], Sérgio Augusto Triginelli[1], José Renan Cunha-Melo. Objetivo: avaliar a freqüência da utilização de procedimentos cirúrgicos não ginecológicos no tratamento do câncer de ovário, assim como descrever as suas complicações. A realização de procedimentos cirúrgicos não ginecológicos associou-se a maior taxa de complicações pós-operatórias 37% versus (17,1%; p=0,042), sendo que duas pacientes desse grupo (2,4%) evoluíram para o óbito. Conclusões: os procedimentos cirúrgicos não ginecológicos são freqüentemente empregados no tratamento de pacientes com câncer de ovário. Envolvendo 81 estudos e 6885 pacientes, mostrou a citorredução satisfatória como determinante da sobrevida em pacientes com carcinoma de ovário nos estádios III ou IV, mesmo após controle de outros fatores prognósticos[12]. Esse estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a freqüência da utilização de procedimentos cirúrgicos não ginecológicos no tratamento do câncer de ovário, assim como descrever as suas complicações

Pacientes e Métodos
Câncer de ovário
Abscesso pélvico
Tempo de internação
Não avaliado
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