
William C. Braun is the Chief Special Agent, National Board of Fire Underwriters, Chicago, and since 1947 has been in charge of the Arson Division of their midwest territory. As a graduate (LL. B.) of National University Law School, Washington, D. C., he has been admitted to the bar of Washington, D. C., Wyoming, and Georgia. From 1927-30 he was a Special Agent of the F.B.I., and then until 1947 a Special Agent of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, St. Paul, Minn. This article was presented last May at the Sixth Annual Arson Investigators' Seminar and Training Course, Purdue University, for which course Mr. Braun serves as a member of the Advisory and Planning Committee. He is a member of the International Association of Arson Investigators and has lectured on arson at a number of Regional Fire Training Schools.-EDITOR.

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