
Immune complexes (IC) were determined quantitatively in 53 cases of bilateral sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) by the Raji cell immuno-fluorescence assay. The 53 cases consisted of 47 cases of unknown etiology, 5 cases with positive syphilitic reaction and 1 case of aortitis syndrome. High IC values were indicated in 5 cases, of which one was of aortitis syndrome and 4 were of unknown etiology. The case of aortitis syndrome and 3 out of the above 4 cases of unknown etiology were responsive to steroid. There were 2 cases which showed normal IC values but reacted to steroid. All patients of the steroid-responsive SNHL were female. If hearing improves by steroid administration, it is necessary to suspect autoimmune SNHL. It has been proved that in SNHL which is responsive to steroid, the hearing level before the start of treatment may be maintained by long-term steroid therapy.

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