
s S39 apoptosis and proliferation. LncRNAs were preamplified to facilitate detection, and quantified with a commercial PCR array platform (RT2 system, Qiagen). RESULTS: Only 2 lncRNAs (ZFAS1, GAS5) were detectable in all subjects, while 63 lncRNAs were detected sporadically and 19 lncRNAs were not detectable in any subjects (based on a Cq cutoff threshold of 35). No statistically significant differences in lncRNA levels were observed between groups. The technical performance of the RT-qPCR system was confirmed by integrated reverse transcription and positive PCR controls, which revealed no evidence of reaction inhibition. The quality of the total RNA extraction was validated by the robust recovery of an exogenous spike-in control (cel-miR-39), and the detection of endogenous miRNA (miR-16, miR-126, and miR-145, without preamplification), small nuclear RNA (RN7SK), ribosomal RNA (RPLP0) and messenger RNA (ACTB, B2M) species. CONCLUSION: To the best of our knowledge, this study represents the first examination of circulating lncRNAs in PAH patients. These results suggest that low circulating levels of lncRNA may preclude their use as practical biomarkers for certain diseases. 074 CIRCULATING EXTRACELLULAR MICRORNAS IN THE CHRONIC HYPOXIA MOUSE MODEL OF PULMONARY HYPERTENSION K Schlosser, M Taha, Y Deng, DJ Stewart

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