
Fix a constant $C\geq 1$ and let $d=d(n)$ satisfy $d\leq \ln^{C} n$ for every large integer $n$. Denote by $A_n$ the adjacency matrix of a uniform random directed $d$-regular graph on $n$ vertices. We show that, as long as $d\to\infty$ with $n$, the empirical spectral distribution of appropriately rescaled matrix $A_n$ converges weakly in probability to the circular law. This result, together with an earlier work of Cook, completely settles the problem of weak convergence of the empirical distribution in directed $d$-regular setting with the degree tending to infinity. As a crucial element of our proof, we develop a technique of bounding intermediate singular values of $A_n$ based on studying random normals to rowspaces and on constructing a product structure to deal with the lack of independence between the matrix entries.

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