
This study embarks on a critical examination of the integration of circular economy (CE) strategies into traditional business models, a pivotal transition in the quest for sustainable development. The purpose of the study is to elucidate the barriers hindering the effective adoption of CE principles and to propose actionable recommendations for overcoming these obstacles. Employing a comprehensive methodological framework, the study synthesizes findings from a broad array of literature, augmented by empirical data, to provide a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities inherent in CE implementation. Key findings reveal that insufficient resources, resistance to change, and the complexity of integrating CE into existing business structures are major impediments. These barriers are dissected to uncover underlying causes, such as inadequate funding, stakeholder inertia, and logistical challenges in material recovery and recycling. The study concludes that addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach, including the development of unified conceptual frameworks, increased financial and technical support, and enhanced stakeholder engagement. Furthermore, it emphasizes the role of consumer behavior in the success of CE initiatives, advocating for more research into consumer attitudes and the promotion of sustainable consumption practices. The recommendations presented aim to guide businesses and policymakers in fostering an environment conducive to CE, thereby accelerating the transition towards a sustainable and resilient economic model. Keywords: Circular Economy, Business Models, Sustainable Development, Resource Efficiency, Consumer Behavior, Implementation Barriers.

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